The Juan Diego Academy Student Council advances the mission of our school by uniting the student body through events and activities that foster school spirit and build community. It is comprised of the officers of each class, along with elected Student Council officers.
Student Council Officers and their Responsibilities
The Student Council President
Shall preside at all student council meetings, call special meetings when necessary, appoint all standing and special committees, be the chairman of the elections committee, represent Juan Diego Academy at all times, and assume all other duties generally associated with this office.
The Student Council President must be a Senior.
The Vice-President
Shall, in the President's absence, assume all responsibilities of the President. The Vice-president shall be informed of any new development of transactions by the President of the council or, in his/her absence, by the faculty advisor.
The Student Council Vice President must be a Senior.
The Treasurer
Shall be responsible and accountable for the student council account. Be responsible for keeping an up-to-date record of all financial transactions of the council. Assume such responsibilities and duties as requested by the President or a majority of the council.
The Secretary
Shall keep written records of all meetings in the form of minutes including attendance, business discussed and voted upon, reports of committees, and future meetings. Post said minutes by a date no more than one week after the meeting, and distribute copies to members before the following meeting. Conduct such correspondence as needed to conduct the council’s business. Assume such duties and responsibilities as requested by the President or a majority of the members in consultation with the student council sponsor and the principal.
As the term suggests, these students represent their specific grade level's ideas, needs, and interests on the Student Council. The Class President and Vice President for each grade level serve as Student Council Representatives. Thus, the Council is comprised of no more than 12 members.