Each class elects four officers to represent them in keeping with the vision of Juan Diego Academy to form young men and women to answer the call to lead and be active participants in their Church and community.
The Aims of JDA Class Officers are as follows:
1. To listen to, and speak on behalf of, the student population within the Juan Diego Academy community
2. To bridge the gap between the student population and the teachers/administration
3. To provide support for students throughout the school.
4. To generate ideas, in partnership with the administration, that will improve the Catholic Christian environment within the school.
Students can nominate themselves for one of the following positions:
The Class President
Shall preside at all student class meetings, call special meetings when necessary, appoint all standing and special committees, be the chairman of the elections committee, represent the JDA Class of 2015 at all times, and assume all other duties generally associated with this office.
The Vice-President
Shall, in the President's absence, assume all responsibilities of the President. The Vice-president shall be informed of any new development of transactions by the President of the class or, in his/her absence, by the faculty advisor.
The Treasurer
Shall be responsible and accountable for the student class account. Be responsible for keeping an up-to-date record of all financial transactions of the Student Class. Assume such responsibilities and duties as requested by the President or a majority of the class.
The Secretary
Shall keep written records of all meetings in the form of minutes including attendance, business discussed and voted upon, reports of committees, and future meetings. Post said minutes by a date no more than one week after the meeting, and distributes copies to members before the following meeting. Conduct such correspondence as needed to conduct the Class of 2015 business. Assume such duties and responsibilities as requested by the President or a majority of the members in consultations with class sponsor and the principal.
Requirements to be placed on the ballot for Election:
1. Download and complete the nomination form found below and attach a short essay explaining vision and mission that you have for your class;
2. Participate in a class election forum;
3. Demonstrate satisfactory academic progress, including completion of the required number of Christian Ministry hours per current grade level;
4. Have the approval of the school's administration.